In Gran Alacant, the Three Magi Parade will take place on Wednesday, 5 January at 5pm. More than a hundred people will take part in…
In the area of sports, the Spanish party PP has undertaken in its election programme to tackle the project for the construction of an indoor…
Alicante continues to be by far the province most frequently chosen by foreigners for property purchases of second homes or holiday homes. 17.6% (approx. 8,000)…
From 01.09.2021, the toll for driving on the AP-7 motorway from France to Alicante has been abolished. You will save approx. 25 EUR on the…
The well-known hospital group Quirónsalud has opened a new clinic in Gran Alacant on 01.07.2021 on the ground floor of the new Hotel AJ Gran…
According to a recent meeting at Santa Pola Town Council, the improvement of the postal service and the local post office in Av. Escandinàvia in…